Thursday 10 September 2020

Day Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy

We had a little sleep in this morning. 

We went right to our office to do our important work. We did not go on our good morning walk.

Because of the little sleep in. Oh well.

I could not be such a big help this morning. 

Because of a little bit of barking at strange sound. Oh dear. Then I could not stay in our office.

Barking dogs cannot go to important meetings.

So I went into the living room to help Craig eat his round toasts. And we put jam on top of them. Ha.

Then I helped him look out our window. Ha. That is an easy job. 

Then Niamh was all awake too. So she helped us too. 

She had her hair horns on today. Ha. But they are not so pointy. 

Then Zita came to help us too. 

And she said it was time for me to go back to our office. 

Because I am her very best helper assistant.

So I did not bark at all. Good for me. 

Then it was our lunchtime. Ha. 

And nice Mister Mohammad brought a present for Emmet. 

But I barked at him. Oh dear. 

I think I forgot I knew him. Oh dear me. 

He brought Emmet brand new headphones. 

So he can study in his old university and not hear anything but his own music. 

Or his own interesting stories. 

Tomorrow Zita and the black go fast car are going to take my friend Emmet to the aeroport in far away Toronto.

So he can find the do not get lost aeroplane that will take him to way far away Dublin. Oh dear.

Mister Mike and Miss Morgan came to my house for a far away visit. 

And to give him his own dragons game present.

And so they could say good bye bye to my friend Emmet. Oh dear.

I do not like goodbyes even a little bit. It is known. 

Because after goodbye times some of my own best family is not here. 

They are just gone somewhere. 

How can I mind everybody if everybody is not just here in our own comfy house. Oh dear me.

Then Mister Mike and Miss Morgan went to their own apartment. 

So they could play the dragons game with Emmet. On their own computers. Ha. That is silly. 

After lunchtime Niamh went to downtown. On an electric go fast board. Ha.

Because she has to work at the beautiful clothes store until our dinnertime. 

Then I kept my friend Craig company. In the living room. 

He was reading all about a famous battle. With a giant castle. 

It was a Mister Saint Elmo’s own castle. Oh dear.

But it got all blown up in the famous battle. Oh dear. 

And all the brave knights died. Oh dear me. 

They were Hospital Knights. Ha. That must be a very good hospital.

But then all their friends were very very fierce and won the battle. That is good. 

When our work was all finished Zita went to the delicious treats store to get some more heavy bread.

And lots of Emmet’s very favourite lemon cookies. 

So he can take them to far away Toronto.

So he will not starve on the very long plane ride. 

And we are having a special delicious dinner tonight.

Because it is Emmet’s last dinner here for a little while. Oh dear. I do not like that so much.

So Mister Tony will send us some very delicious pizzas. For our special dinner. Ha.

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