Wednesday 2 September 2020

Day Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty Two

We only had a very little bit of a sleep in. 

Then Zita took Niamh to downtown. For her job.

Then we had a nice long walk. 

It is our Wednesday do not go to work day so Zita went outside.

With the chop your toes off machine. To make our grass neat and tidy. Ha. 

And then she stayed outside to make our front yard as neat and tidy as can be too. 

I could not go. Because of the maybe cut my toes off machine. 

So I had to mind her right from my watching window. Oh dear me.

Craig and I had a little bit of a round toast. When I was minding Zita. 

It was not even a bit warm. I do not know why. Oh dear.

Zita got right inside our bushes. With a very big saw.  Oh dear. 

But there were not any dangerous animals hiding there today. That was good.

Now it is all as tidy as can be. 

Emmet talked to the nice man who found him the best do not get lost aeroplanes. 

So now he can go all the way back to his very old university. And his new very little apartment. 

With his friends. But his friends do not even eat even a little bit of very tasty meat. 

Not even delicious Irish chicken. Oh dear.

I do not know why.

But now I cannot be my friend Emmet’s very best minder dog when he is in way far away Ireland. 

That is not all right. Oh dear. Too bad for Emmet and me. Oh dear me. 

At lunchtime I had a bit of new round toast with Craig. But this one was toasty warm. That was good.

Then Zita went to the grocery store to get some delicious food.

Because Craig did not have any oatmeal cookies left. I think he ate them all. Oh dear me.

And when she came back Zita brought the extra delicious cookies from our lovely delicious meat store.

I do not know why they have Craig’s very favourite oatmeal cookies. Maybe it is a mystery. Ha.

Miss Tara is coming to our house for a special dinner tonight. So Zita is making her very best special dessert.

The one with lots of strawberries and way too much fluffy cream on top. Ha.

That is how you can tell it is a special dinner. 

Because you all ways have to have delicious desserts when you have a special dinner. It is the rule. 

Zita and I went for an early before dinner walk. 

Because we are going to have an early dinnertime. 

Because it is a special treat dinner. Ha. Good for us.

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