Thursday 3 September 2020

Day Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty Three 

I got up early this morning.

Because our go fast car was taking Niamh and Lee and Cara and Miss Tarryn to a forest.

So they can live outside. In a tent. And even sleep there. Not in their own comfy beds. Oh dear.

I did not know this. Nobody told me. That is not alright. Oh dear me.

I cannot mind my best friend Niamh when she is in a far away forest. And not here. Oh dear me.

But what if there are ferocious bears. Or scary thunderstorms. Who will guard them. Oh dear me.

But I could not go. 

Because the go fast car was filled right up to the top with living outside stuff. 

Even a cook outside stove. Oh dear. 

When the car was all filled up they just drove away. Without me. I did not like that so very much.

So then Zita and I went for our good morning walk. It was a beautiful as can be morning. 

Then we went to our rascal ladies office because it is a go to work again day. Oh well. 

Craig made Zita her favourite fluffy coffee but I was to busy to help him look out our window this morning. 

Because of the very important meetings. Too bad for him.

Last night we had a party at our house. 

Because Tara came to have dinner with us.

Before Emmet goes back to his way far away in Ireland university. 

So I minded everybody. Right behind Niamh. 

Then Cara and Lee came too. 

And everybody laughed all the time. 

And it was so loud I had to go my comfy rug in the kitchen. To have a nice nap. Oh dear.

Emmet and Tara were friends even when they were little children. Ha. 

It is good to have friends for a very long time. 

Because they know all your very own secrets. And will not ever tell. Ha. 

Emmet was very tired this morning.

Because he was all awake until nearly morning. 

He had to tell some people that they were just all wrong about his friends the way old Gods. Oh dear.

They should not argue with my friend Emmet. 

The way old Gods are his very own job. It is known. Ha. Too bad for them. 

This afternoon we were not so very busy at work so I had a very nice nap on the big comfy bed. Ha.

When Zita was all finished her work I was all awake.

So we went for our before dinner walk. 

It was a very nice walk because it was not a rainy day. That was good. 

We will not have even a little together dinner tonight.

Because Niamh and the go fast car are nearly at a far away forest. But not yet. 

And Emmet is playing his dragons game with his nice university friends.

So I only have to mind Craig and Zita. That is an easy job.

We have to find a new detective program tonight.

Because the other one was not so interesting. Oh well.

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