Saturday 7 March 2020

Day Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Three

We did not get up so early today.

Because it is Saturday. Ha.

When I was all awake so were Niamh and Miss Sash. 

But they did not have their breakfast here with me today.

Because they went to have tasty bagel sandwiches at Mister Kettleman’s delicious bagel store. 

Before they went to the beautiful clothes store. For their work. Oh well.

Craig did not go to his old friends breakfast restaurant today.

Because it is a windy cold outside day today. 

And the sneezing cold still has him a bit caught. Oh dear.

I had a bit too sore leg in the night last night. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

So Craig gave me my sore leg medicine right away this morning. 

Right after Craig and Zita and I had our altogether toasts. Ha.

Then Zita and I found Professor Jill and the little dog. 

So we could go on our good morning to everybody walk together. Ha that is a good walk.

When I got home I was a bit messy. 

But I got a green bean treat anyway. Ha.

Zita went to her stretching store right after we got home. 

So she did not have to take her toasty warm clothes off. 

I had a very nice long nap. On my comfy kitchen rug. Ha.

Craig had the very sticky buns from Mister IKEA’s store for our together lunchtime.

We did not tell my friend Emmet. They are his favourite breakfast. 

But he is not here so I could not share. Oh well. 

Zita said he will be home in not a very long while. 

Then he will be in his comfy big room in the basement. 

With his own big bed. And lots of pillows. 

And his very comfy old leather lay down flat chairs. And lots and lots and lots of his very interesting books.

He will be writing even more stories all about very very old Irish stories.

Zita talked to her own sister this afternoon. On the telephone.

In way far away not so very big Celbridge. It is in Ireland too. 

But it only has a very little bridge. But I do not know why. 

We have a very big bridge. Right by our beautiful other pond. Oh well. Too bad for them.

Craig has squeaky clean feet today.

Because he put them in the shaky water machine. Ha.

Then Zita and I went for a little before dinnertime walk.

But not so far.

Because of my a bit sore leg. Oh well.

Then I played with my giant red ball. Outside in my side yard. 

The big red ball is an outside only ball. You cannot bring in inside. Or you get in trouble. Oh dear. 

Zita went to the downtown to find my friend Niamh and bring her home for our delicious dinner. 

She is going to a party with the other students who love movies too. With Miss Lily. That is nice. 

Maybe we will watch the cowboy detective again tonight.

He got his truck fixed up like brand new. Ha. 

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