Saturday 21 March 2020

Day Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Seven

Everybody got got very early today.

Because Zita borrowed doctor Susan’s nearly a truck very early today.

So she could drive to a not so very near store. To get a brand new freeze everything machine.

So Niamh can have lots and lots of her favourite creams. 

It is going to live in the new rascal ladies office. 

So Zita can have ice cream treats when she is talking to all the rascal ladies. Ha. That is a good idea.

Zita said it was the very last freezing machine anywhere. All the others were all gone. 

That is why she had to drive way down the road to nearly nowhere. Oh dear.

Craig did not go to his old friends breakfast restaurant today.

Because all our restaurants are all closed. 

Only nice people can bring you tasty food from the restaurants to your house.

But you cannot go inside for a delicious dinner. Oh dear.

Because of the new do not get all sick and die rules. Oh dear. Too bad for them.

Niamh was all awake when Zita came home.

Because she has to finish writing her last story for her university.

So Craig and Zita and I had toasts together. Ha. I got three toasts. Ha.

Emmet was playing his dragons game last night. 

With his friends from his old nice university. That is good. 

Before we went on our before lunchtime walk Zita talked to her mother and father in way far away Dublin.

They have to stay in their house too. 

Because of the all over everywhere rules. Oh dear.

But our cousin Simon is going to have a little baby. And Miss Laura too. Right there in Ireland. 

So Zita’s parents are very happy. Ha.

We found professor Jill when we went on our walk. 

It was not a messy walk today.

Because it is very cold outside today. And now everything is all frozen again. That is silly weather. Oh well.

After lunchtime Zita made own made gingerbread. Just for us. 

And Craig fixed the big computer. He thought it was all broken forever. But he fixed it anyway.

That is good. He got warm gingerbread to help him fix the computer. 

The old little computer is way too slow to use. Oh dear.

Zita and I and professor Jill and the little when we went on our before dinner walk. 

But it is still a very cold day outside.

And I am not so very furry now. Oh dear. Too bad for me. 

Craig was reading Niamh’s big new story. Now Zita will read it too. Ha.

Now we have to have altogether dinners all the time. 

Because of the rules. Those are good rules.

We will watch the cowboy detective again tonight. And his Cheyenne friend. Ha. 

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