Wednesday 4 March 2020

Day Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty

Zita and I did not go on our before breakfast walk today.

Because it is a melting everywhere day. 

And we did not want to get all soggy and messy all over. 

So I  had a very nice quiet day today.

Zita went to her rascal ladies office. On her do not go to work day.

Because of her special meeting. Too bad for us. 

And Niamh went downtown to study for her university classes before she went to her own work.

But Craig did not get up so soon. 

Because he had a little sick tummy last night. And this morning too. 

So he stayed in the comfy bed.

It is not a sleep in when you stay in your bed because you are a bit sick. It is the rule.

Last night I slept with my head right on top of Craig’s feet.

To keep him toasty warm. And to mind him. 

You cannot be scared if a fierce minder dog is all fast asleep on your feet. Ha. It is known.

When he got up we only had a very little breakfast. We did not have toasts today.

Because of the sick tummy. Oh dear. Too bad for us.

Then I had a very nice very long nap this morning.

I am always a bit too tired after I go to the make me beautiful store.

But then I was all awake.

Because Craig was making peanut butter and honey sandwiches. 

Even with his a bit too sick tummy. Oh dear.

But he said peanut butter is very good for you if you are even just a bit sick. 

I did not know that. 

Maybe I will have get peanut butter if I get another sick tummy. Ha. That is good idea. 

So it was a very quiet day for me.

But not for Mister Sully.

Because took our cousin Ciara to see the ocean. 

The ocean is right beside the roads in way far away Dublin. Oh dear. 

But oceans are full of the very dangerous sharks and even some giant whales. Oh dear. 

But they did not see any. So they did not get eaten all up. Ha. That is good.

When Zita came home we did not go for a nice walk. 

Because it was a have a lovely rest all day long day for me. 

So I was not so tired when she came home. 

We did not an altogether dinner tonight.

Because Niamh already had way too much to eat downtown. 

Cheesie treats with gravy all over. And milkshakes too. So now she has a sore tummy too. 

Maybe Craig’s sore tummy caught her too. Maybe. 

Maybe it was just too many treats. 

Sometimes I have too many treats too. Oh well. 

Last night we watched a detective who is a cowboy too. 

But he does not have a very brave helper horse.

He only has a very squashed up truck. Oh well. 

And a friend who has a restaurant. He is a Cheyenne person. He makes pizzas too. Ha. 

Craig told me one time they had famous dog soldiers. Ha. Those must be good people.

But I do not know any Cheyenne people. Or their dogs.

Because they live far away. Where the giant mountains are all around them. 

And the very big fierce bears too. Oh dear. 

I do not want to live there. 

I just like my own house and my own family and our beautiful ponds. Ha. 

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