Saturday 20 April 2019

Day Two Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty One 

We had the giant special dinner party last night.

Everybody was here. To have some of the delicious ham. 

And cousin Lucy’s own made crunchy desserts. Ha. That is good. 

And my friend Emmet was here too. 

Right on the dining room table. On Zita’s computer. Ha. Good for us.

Everybody talked for a very long time. 

So I had a nice nap right beside Craig. In the dining room.

Because it was way past my go to bed time.

But I had to mind everybody. It is my best job.

Then Niamh had to go to fast asleep. 

Because today is her very early in the morning day at the stretching clothes store. 

So she has to get up way way too early in the morning. 

So then everybody went to their comfy beds. That is good. 

We only had a little sleep in today.

Because Zita had to find all the papers so we can give the government some money. 

To pay for the keep the oceans all safe boats. 

And the very beautiful for everybody parks. 

And the what the weather will be people. Ha. 

Today is the old friends breakfast day. Craig and Mister Paul went all by themselves. 

They did not need my help today.

Because all the too much snow is nearly all gone. 

And the giant nearly in my pond tree is getting all green. 

Soon the trees will be all full up with leaves. Ha. Then it will be summer time again.

There are already some almost all grown flowers in my front yard. Ha. That is good.

When Craig came home Mister Paul fixed the lights in the bathroom. Again. Ha. That is good.

Then Zita and Auntie Eileen and cousin Emma and cousin Lucy went shopping again. 

To get presents for Zita’s mother and her father. In way far away Dublin. 

Craig and I stayed here so we could mind the house together. 

We had a tasty croissant for our another lunch. Ha. Another lunches are my favourite. 

We will have used ham for our dinner tonight. Ha. That is a tasty dinner. 

Maybe I will get some crunchy pieces. Maybe.

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