Friday 5 April 2019

Day Two Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Six 

Today is a get up too early day.

It was a very busy day today. For everybody. Me too.

Niamh went to her lovely clothes store in the dark outside.

Then Craig got up too. His tummy is still a bit too sore. 

But he did not want to just stay in bed with me. 

So I had a nice little sleep in by myself. Until it was time for our toasts.

And my friend Emmet was up early too. In far away Antigonish. At Mister Saint Francis’s university.

Because today he had to tell everybody all about his giant important brand new story.

And then he had to answer questions from all his professors. All by himself. Oh dear. 

But he got them all right. Ha. Good for him.

I would not like to do that so very much. Oh dear. 

Sometimes people ask questions and I do not know the answer.

Like what are you barking at. Oh dear. Too bad for my friend Emmet.

My friend Zita had to stay in her little room in the beautiful hotel last night.

To help some of the young ladies get back to their own house.

Because they were a little sick. Oh dear. 

And Auntie Eileen and cousin Ciara are going on their fast as can be bicycles all the way to Galway.

To see the the dangerous ocean. And even maybe cousin Orlaith. 

Because her university is in way far away Galway too. Ha. Good for them.

It is not a so very old university.

Emmet wants to go to way old universities. 

Because he only knows all about very very old stories. And very very old people too. 

Very very old universities have all the very very old books. 

They got them when they were just brand new. Ha. 

Because they knew they were going to be all very old someday. 

Craig and I had more used pizza with chips for our lunchtime. 

And one of Niamh’s own made tasty cookies.

Because our friend Emmet knew all questions. Ha. 

I always help Niamh when she makes the very tasty cookies. It is my best job. 

Then my friend Zita came home. To our own house. Ha. 

I was very very happy. So I gave her lots of kisses and waggley tails. 

But Zita is very very tired. it is known.

Then we went for our before dinnertime walk. All by ourselves. Ha. 

When we got home Niamh was home too. Ha. Now we are altogether. 

Except for my friend Emmet. He is having dinner with lots of his university friends.

A nice man will bring us some from way way far away India tasty food tonight. That is good. 

Because everybody is too tired to own make our delicious dinner. It is known.

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