Sunday 7 April 2019

Day Two Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Eight 

We only had a very little sleep in today.

Then Zita and I went for our nice walk. We just went on Kathy’s street.

Because it is not so very dirty. 

So I was not a very messy dog when we got home. That is good.

Then Zita took Niamh to her stretching clothes store. 

When she came home she had brand new croissants for our lunchtime. 

So we had our lunch with my friend Emmet. Right on the dining room table.

When auntie Eileen and the cousins go back to way far away Zita is going to far away Antigonish. 

On a do not get lost aeroplane.  And drive to Emmet’s little apartment.

So she can help my friend Emmet bring back all his fat interesting books. 

And all his not so very worn out clothes. 

All the very fat books are going to come here on a smelly bus. Ha. Too bad for them.

All his lots of other stuff he is giving to his friends. Even his toasting machine. 

Because he will be all finished living in his very little apartment in Antigonish. 

He will use our toasting machine for his own toasts. When he is living in his own bedroom in the basement. Ha. 

Then I can have nice naps on his very comfy bed. With all the pillows. Ha.

This afternoon Zita put brand as clean as can be sheets on the beds in the basement.

So auntie Eileen and Emma and Lucy will not have to sleep on nasty dirty sheets. 

Sometimes I get the beds a bit messy. And full of little stones. Sometimes. Oh well. Too bad for them.

A man brought Craig another music machine.

Because Craig has to fix the silver music machine in the den. 

So now he has another instead of the not working all the time machine. Ha.

I had a lovely walk this afternoon.

Because Zita and I took Craig with us on our before dinnertime walk. 

We went up to the busy street. And looked at all the just everywhere lots people. Ha. Good for us.

When we got home I had to stay in the kitchen with Craig.

Because Zita had to use the dangerous blow everything everywhere machine.

To make my side yard neat and tidy again. That is good.

We are going to have an altogether dinner tonight. That is good too.

And watch the detectives from far away Italy. Maybe we will have more chips. Maybe.

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