Saturday 23 February 2019

Day Two Thousand Four Hundred and Five 

I was a big help today. 

Zita moved lots of snow away from my side yard. And from the front yard too. I minded her. 

Everything is all melting today so it is very messy outside.

But we had a nice long walk anyway. 

Craig did not go to his old friends breakfast restaurant today. Again.

Because the go fast chair gets all stuck as can be in the melting everywhere snow. Oh dear.

So he had his too much coffees all by himself. Oh well. 

And he did not have toasts today. Oh dear. Too bad for me.

Then Zita went to the stretching until you are too tired store. And I had a nice nap.

Then my friend Niamh was all awake and had her squeaky clean shower. 

So she could go to her beautiful clothes store. 

You cannot work in beautiful clothes stores if you are all smelly. 

You can only smell beautiful. It is known.

When Zita came back she and Craig went up to the busy street to have a tasty lunch.

Zita had to help Craig. 

Because the go fast chair cannot even go down our own driveway. 

There is way too much ice. And it will just get stuck forever. 

And be all covered up in the more too much snow. And be all lost. Oh dear.

So they went to the old friends breakfast restaurant. And the old friends were still there. 

Because they eat too slowly. 

Because they have to talk all the time too. Ha.

So they had an everybody together lunchtime. Ha. That is good.

Then Craig went to the neat and tidy store. 

Because he was way way too furry. He had not gone there for a very long time. 

Because of all the way too much of everything weather. 

So I guarded the house all by myself. I got a peanut butter treat. Ha.

When Craig and Zita came home Zita and I went for our before dinnertime walk.

With my friend Professor Jill. Ha. I like going for altogether walks. 

The little dog did not come with us today. The snow is too deep for him. Ha.

I was a bit soggy when I came home. 

So I had my tasty dinner while I was waiting to be as dry as a chip.

A tasty bit of food fell down behind our special food table. And nobody would believe me. 

So we had to move everything. And there it was. Behind everything. Ha. Good for me. 

Maybe we will watch some detectives on the television tonight. Ha.

Good for us.

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