Saturday 16 November 2019

Day Two Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy

Zita had to go to the rascal ladies special important meeting early today.

So Zita and I got up early for our good morning walk. In the very cold outside. 

But we had our new for the winter keep your feet toasty warm boots on. Ha. Good for us.

Then the silver little car took Zita downtown. To the very big hotel. 

Because it is a too cold for walking to downtown day.

People always have their important meetings in lovely hotels. 

So they can look out the window. When the meetings are not so very interesting. 

And after Zita left our house I minded Craig. 

He had a nice sleep in today. But he did not go to his old friends breakfast.

Because of the too much cold outside. 

So he had two coffees and we had a fat cinnamon finger from Mister Kettleman’s bagel store. Ha. 

We only played catch the ball one time. Because of the too cold feet. Oh well.

But then we watched everybody from my watching window. 

There were very big trucks sitting right in front of my house. Craig did not know why either. Oh well.

So I had a nice nap. On the floor. Beside him.

Niamh and Miss Tarryn are still in Toronto. Looking at the very big buildings. 

It is not so cold there.

We had a very late lunchtime. Maybe because I was fast asleep. Oh dear.

Then we had two peanut butter and honey sandwiches. 

Craig made them with brand new from Italy very fat bread. He made too much. So I had to help him. Ha.

Then he watched a football game. That is a silly game. 

They throw people the ball and they do not even catch it. They should get dogs. 

Niamh’s friend Mister Shadow always caught the ball. And never dropped it. 

Even when he was very old. Ha. Good for him.

Zita will not be home for dinner tonight. 

Because she has to go to another rascal ladies dinner. At a table sheet restaurant.

And Niamh is still in not so far away Toronto. 

So only Craig will be here for our dinner tonight. Oh well. 

A nice man brought us a hamburger and too many chips. Ha. 

So Craig could watch the famous young King and lots of his friends. On the television.

All his friends had very big bows and lots and lots of pointy arrows. 

So they all went to visit France. To practice shooting their arrows. Oh dear. 

Then they came home. And the King brought home a brand new wife. That was silly.

So I helped Craig eat some of the too many chips. Ha. 

Then there was a hockey game. Craig’s team does not loose all the time this year. Ha. 

Hockey is not so very interesting so I had a nice nap. 

Zita did not get home until late. 

Because of the rascal ladies delicious dinner.

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