Saturday 8 October 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Forty Seven

My friend Niamh came home last night. In the black go fast car. Ha. I was very happy. 

She even got Mister Clifford out of the basement. Then she went to visit Mister Kettleman's tasty Bagel store. With Miss Rima. Ha.

Mister Clifford was very happy too. I think. 

Then our friend Mister Aidan and Niamh and their friends talked and talked and talked. 

Until nearly get up in the morning time. Ha.

Then she went fast asleep until lunchtime. In her own comfy bed. 

She did not have to sleep in her very little room. In her far away university. Because she was here. With me to guard her. Ha.

Zita and I went for a very fast walk this morning. I was very fast. Ha. Good for me.

We did not take Craig to his old friends breakfast today. 

Because Zita had to go to her make you beautiful store. 

Craig went by himself. He did not get lost at all. That is good. 

I stayed here to guard Niamh and Emmet. 

Because they were still just fast asleep. Ha. I got peanut butter treats. 

Then Craig and I had tasty croissants for our lunch today. When he got home. I like croissants. 

Nice Mister Martin gave us free tickets for the hockey game. 

Niamh and Miss Lily went see who would win. Up on the busy street. Ha.

Mister Martin gives us lots of tickets. 

Because he has too many. I do not know why. Ha. Good for us.

Zita and I went for our nice long walk after lunchtime. With my friend Jamie and professor Jill. That was nice. 

It was not raining outside. We did not get all soggy. 

It was just Irish rain when Craig came home. He was just a little bit all soggy. Ha. 

Emmet is very busy writing even more interesting stories for both his universities. 

He has to drink lots of Irish tea.  When he writes a lot. 

Zita and I had an adventure last night. 

There was an awful noisy fly all around fly in our bedroom. Zita and I hate flys. 

Zita and l looked for it. All over. I found it. 

Because I can hear the noisy fly better than people. Ha. Good for me. 

I am the best fly hunter. Zita told me. We squished it all up. Ha. Too bad for it. 

Maybe some of Niamh's friends are coming to our house for a tasty dinner tonight. Or maybe tomorrow. Maybe. That is good. 

Zita went to the very good tasty food store. So we can have lots of tasty food for everybody tonight. Not just me.

I got cheese treats on my dinner tonight. 

Because my friend Niamh is home to visit me. And Craig and Zita and Emmet too.

Miss ZoĆ« could not come home for the thank you for everything holiday. 

Because her far away university is too far away. Oh dear. That is not right. 

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