Friday 21 August 2015

Day One Thousand One Hundred and Thirty Three

Craig and I got up way early today. We played catch the ball. A lot. 

Even before my breakfast. Ha. Good for me.

It is not way too hot today. That is good. I can have nice naps in my side yard. When it not so hot. 

I saw the very loud police cars drive right past our street. They were going way fast. Maybe they were detectives. Going to catch nasty people. Ha.

They are very loud and scary. Police cars. With very bright loud lights. I barked at them. They were too loud. Me too Zita said. Oh well. 

Zita had a nice sleep in. Until the too much loud barking. Oh dear.

She does not work with the rascal ladies on Friday. But she always does. The rascal ladies call our house on the telephone. To ask Zita lots and lots of questions. 

Our friend Cathy had to borrow the gold big car. So Miss Tara could get her licence for car driving. Again. Because she forgot all about it. When she lived in not so far away Toronto. 

Cathy left her very big car here. I do not know why. It has lots of brand new scratches. 

Our friend Mister Aidan forgot how big the car was. Oh dear. Too bad for him. 

Maybe they will not let him eat the special cheeses at Cathy's sing happy birthday cheese party. Oh dear. 

When Niamh was all awake Craig took her to Mister Kettleman's for nearly lunch. Just them. Not me. I stayed here to guard Zita and Emmet.

Then Niamh had to go to dance a lot. To teach people. So she can get lots and lots of real money to pay for her half apples. Oh well. People are way silly. It is known.

Emmet is still too sore. He does not sleep so well. Oh dear. 

He should go see his nice doctor. So he can have a cosy sleep. Cosy sleeps are good for you. It is known. 

Zita talked to the rascal ladies for a long long time. This afternoon.  I took her for a nice long walk. All over. So the telephone could not catch her again. Ha. Good for us.

Craig and Zita and I watched a different detective last night. On the television. Then we went to bed. We were all tired. 

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