Tuesday 18 August 2015

Day One Thousand One Hundred and Thirty One

I had a very busy day.

It is still a way too hot day. We always have nice early walks when it is way too hot. Before we had some very thick toasts. And coffees.

Miss Rachael going-to-be-a-doctor-in-Ireland came over to say see-you-later to my friend Emmet. She woke him all up. Ha. 

She is driving all the way to Toronto. After lunch. With all her go far away on aeroplanes suitcases. All full of everything. 

She has to get on an aeroplane to go to way far away. And go to her new nice university. Tomorrow night. All by herself. Oh dear. 

She brought fat all covered in sugar buns for our tasty breakfast. That is nice. We all got big hugs. She is going to come home for Saint Santa's Christmas. To see us. That is good.

We are going to miss Miss Rachael. Who will get Emmet up to go for nice tea parties? Or talk for a way way long time. Until the middle of the night. Or go for nice walks. Without me. Oh well. 

Then Zita's rascal lady friend was on the radio. Today. The other nice lady from the way too small office. For a long time. Talking all about finding even more rascal ladies. That is good. 

Craig always says I am a rascal. And I am a nice lady. But I can not vote. Because I do not have the little card with my picture on it. I have a nice Scotsman's collar instead. Oh well. 

After our lunch Craig's friend Mister Robert came to our house. To help make Zita's computer in our comfy bed room go fast. It took a long long time. I had a nice nap. Ha.

Zita and Emmet went out. In the car. To go to the nice bank. I did not go.  I had to guard Craig and Mister Robert. It is not hard to guard them. They stay in one place. 

We did not watch the nice detective last night. It was spic and span bath night. Ha. Not for me. Ha. 

We will watch him tonight. Maybe. 

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