Thursday 24 October 2013

Day four Hundred and Sixty Four.

We went for a long walk his morning. Zita had to put on her warm my hands gloves. The grass was all slippery and white. I like the smell. Ha.

It is good that the make my house warm machine is fixed or Zita would freeze. 

Everybody is still writing for the universities. It is very busy in my house. It is good I have my comfy duvet so I can help.

Uncle Bill came over this afternoon so everybody could stop writing and drink coffee and eat gingerbread. And laugh. They said we are surrounded by scoundrelly people who take way too much money and have forgotten how to tell the truth. I always tell the truth. Dogs do not know how to lie. Those people must not have dogs. It is known.

Uncle Bill drove Emmet to his university. In his big truck. Uncle Bill had to put his very loud motorcycle away. It is too cold for motorcycles. He likes his motorcycle. That is good. 

Craig's hockey team won last night. He was surprised. Me too. Craig's teams never win.

The black dog with the white tail came on my street again. I scared him away.  He should not come on my street. I have a nice street. Not a street for possessed dogs. 

Zita and Niamh are going to trade you my clothes night. They take clothes they find hidden in the closets and bring home new clothes to hide. It is a good game. 

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