Friday 25 October 2013

Day Four Hundred and Sixty Five

The stones in my yard are nice and cold. I get to lie on them. That is good,

I had a nice walk this morning. The cars were all icy. Craig did not like it. Oh well.

Craig drove Niamh and Emmet to school this morning. It was cold. Ha. I did not think it was cold.

Zita had to stop writing and start to read. Zita has to read lots and lots and lots of new stories for her new class.

She has another new class at her new university. She has to go on Saturday and Sunday. No nice pancakes on Sunday. Too bad for them. 

I saw my cousin Mattie on my walk this afternoon. He is older than me. And a bit bigger than me. And quieter than me. Oh well. He is still my cousin. That is good.

We had a little party tonight. Not a cheese party. Just Craig's mother and Paul. I got a cracker. No cheese. Oh well.

Niamh is going to an old movie where everyone dresses up and sings along. With her dance friends. It must be a very silly movie. There are no brave dogs in it Emmet says. Oh well.

Emmet's friend from way way long ago Mr. CĂș Chulainn had a dog. They should make a movie about them. That would be nice.

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