Saturday 19 October 2013

Day Four Hundred and Fifty Nine

It is Saturday. I do not have toasts with Craig on Saturday. He has to have breakfast with all his way old friends. Oh well.

Zita cut the lawn all short. I got in the little car so I could be a big help. I like sitting in the car. I can see everybody on my street. They do not see me. Ha.

It is a soggy day.  I was a very soggy dog. I had to stay in the kitchen and lie on my new fluffy towels. Oh well.

Everybody is writing for the universities. I had a nice nap on my cosy duvet. Squirrels do not have cosy duvets. Ha.

Niamh's dance friends came over and made lunch. They are very loud and laugh a lot. They were so loud I could not have a nice nap. I had to come out to see if they dropped any cheese. Oh well.

There is lots of thunder and lightning. I do not like that very much. I get on the big bed on my comfy duvet. Thunder cannot get you when you are on your comfy duvet. It is known.  

Zita goes out in her big nice car in the thunder. I do not like that. She should stay home on my comfy duvet. 

Craig and Zita have to go out to a birthday party tonight. I am in charge Zita says. No one will listen to me. Oh well. It is hard being a dog in this house.  It is known.  

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