Saturday 18 January 2020

Day Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Three

It was so cold outside today that I had to have my other boots on.

The keep your feet warm boots. Oh dear. I do not like them so much.

We had a nice walk anyway. 

It was an early in the morning walk because today Zita went to her brand new class. 

At our own nice university. Ha.

Then I kept Craig company on the big warm comfy bed. 

He did not go to his old friends breakfast. 

Because of the way too cold. Too bad for him.

So we had our own breakfast together. Because we are old friends too. Ha.

Then Niamh was all awake and dressed. So she could go to the beautiful clothes store.

A car came to find her. 

Because it was too cold to go and find the always late smelly bus. Oh dear me.

Soon it will be the famous Scotsman’s day. He had a lovely dog Mister Lauth. But he died.

So the man wrote a very beautiful poem all about him. 

So when they make giant statues of the famous man Mister Lauth is there too. Ha. That is just right. 

He wrote lots of famous poems. All about Scots people. 

And about fighting the English people too. A long time ago. 

So Craig had Scotsman’s porridge for his lunchtime. I do not like porridge. Oh well. 

We only went into my side yard a few times today.

Because of the very cold outside. 

Mister Tom came to bring us brand new detectives for our after dinner watching the television time. Ha.

That was very nice.

Because when Zita came home I looked out my window and it was nasty blowing everywhere snow. Oh dear

And she had a brand new very big bag of my own tasty food. Ha. That is good.

So now we can just watch Mister Tom’s brand new programs in our lovely warm house.

And not go outside in the nasty snow. 

So we did not go for a before dinnertime walk today. 

Because nobody wants to go for their walks in nasty blowing snow. It is known. Me either. 

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