Saturday 25 January 2020

Day Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty

We did not have a nice sleep in this morning.

Because Zita had to be at her university early in the morning today.

Because of her remember everything exam.

So I took her for a very early in the morning walk. All by myself.

Then the black go fast car took her right to the university and I minded Craig. In the comfy bed.

But he did not even have a sleep in either.

It is his Saturday go to his old friends breakfast.

But he was a bit sore all night so he stayed here. To help me look out my watching window.

So we had very fat toasts right away. Even before his next too much coffee. Ha.

And then Niamh was all awake early too. 

So she could have her squeaky clean shower. Before she went to her downtown work. 

The big nasty dog who jumped out at Zita was on my street again. 

But I barked at him very very fiercely and he went away. 

He should not be on my street. It is not his street. Too bad for him. 

I saw lots and lots of people with ice skating shoes. 

They were going to the all frozen empty canal. 

So they could go skating and have delicious treats. 

There are special little tasty treats houses right on top of the ice. Ha. 

And you can get your own treats and hot chocolate to make to all toasty warm inside. Ha.

Then Craig and I played catch the ball. It is not too cold today. 

But the television person said it is going to be another too much snow day. Oh dear. 

That is not such a good idea. 

So I had a nice nap. 

Cara came to visit me before lunchtime. And to get Niamh’s medicine. 

And take it to the beautiful clothes store.

Because she forgot it. 

Maybe Niamh is getting old too. Ha. 

Craig said everybody everywhere gets old. Oh well. 

Maybe It is because of the clocks. Or all the time brand new years. Maybe. 

Craig had to have Scotsman’s porridge for his lunchtime.

Because of the famous Scotsman’s birthday. Oh well.

I did not have to have any porridge at all. 

Because I got green bean treats for my lunchtime instead. Ha. Green beans are my favourite. 

Then it was as snowy as could be outside. 

I went out to find my big red ball and when I came in I had to stay in the kitchen.

Because I was an all snow dog. Oh well. 

So Craig and I waited until I was as dry as a chip.

When Zita came home she had brand new chips. Ha. 

And more Scotsman’s porridge.

Because Craig ate up all we had. By himself.  Ha. That is silly.

We did not go for a before dinnertime walk. 

So we would not get lost in the windy too much snow. Ha. That was a good idea.

Maybe we will watch the detective tonight.

We did not watch anything last night. 

Because Zita was studying all the time for her exam. 

So I minded her. I was very very quiet.

You have to be very quiet when people are studying for their university classes. It is the rule. 

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