Thursday 16 January 2020

Day Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty One

When I woke up this morning there was even more snow. All over everywhere.

So Zita and I had a little early in the morning walk. 

Because it is a bit hard walking in the too deep snow. Oh well.

But it is a full of sunshine sky today. That is good.

So the snow was as bright as can be. Ha. 

Then the silver little car took Zita to her rascal ladies office. 

The black go fast car had a vacation day today. 

And I had a sleep in with my friend Craig. Ha. 

He was listening to his book all about a very big battle with lots and lots of ships. 

And aeroplanes too. All in a dangerous ocean. 

They were not our go to way far away aeroplanes. Just old aeroplanes.

Like Craig’s father’s very old and very noisy aeroplane. Oh dear. Too bad for them.

But it was a long time ago. 

When we were all fast awake we had our own delicious toasts.

We had the very good for toasts bread today. 

And we had the jam from Ireland full of raspberries. We had lots of jam.

Because the toasts were a little too toasty today. Oh well. 

If you have lots of jams you cannot see the too toasty bits. Ha.

Niamh does not have to go to work today. Today is a read all her university stories day. 

So she went to her nice university with all her books. 

There were lots of the noisy clean the sidewalks machines on my corner today. Oh dear.

That was not so nice. 

Sometimes they just stay right on my corner being noisy. Too bad for me.

Craig and I had fat peanut butter and honey sandwiches today. They were not toasty.

Because Craig is not so very good making not too toasty toasts. Ah. Too bad for him. 

Craig was busy this afternoon finding his interesting stories. 

So I had a nice nap in the kitchen and then I looked for everything in the too much snow.

In my own side yard. 

But then I had a very icy face. Craig said I was a Poppyscicle. Oh dear. 

That was not a very nice thing to say. Too bad for him. 

Mister Jack came to take away lots of the too much snow.  Ha. That is good.

He had to use the big sharp chop up the ice stick. Oh dear. 

So Zita and I went on our just a little walk before our dinner.

It is only us tonight.

Because Niamh is going out with her beautiful clothes store friends. 

We had special delicious soup from the very delicious and tasty baking store. 

Where we always get our Sing Happy Birthday cakes. 

Now they have take it home for you own dinner food too. Ha. That is a good idea.

Maybe we will watch something new tonight. On the television. 

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