Saturday 11 January 2020

Day Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Six

It is silly day today. It is a rain all the time day. And not cold at all. That is not all right. 

When Zita and I went for our long before breakfast walk there was nobody outside. Just us.

And everything was very slippy outside. So we had a very careful walk this morning. 

So we did not fall down at all. But we were very soggy when we got home.

And it is Craig’s old friends breakfast day today. But he did not go.

Because of the all the time rain. Oh dear.

He did not have even a little sleep in. 

So we had our toasts and jam together and looked at the nasty slippy outside.

Zita went to have her nice breakfast with doctor Susan and Miss Chris. I did not go.

Because I had to mind everybody here.

When I got fast awake Miss Georgie was here too. In the basement. Fast asleep. Ha.

Then she had a squeaky clean shower. 

A car took Niamh and Miss Georgie to downtown. 

So Niamh could go to her beautiful clothes store. 

Because of the all the time rain.

Zita went to the make you beautiful store after lunchtime. In the all the time rain.

Craig and I did not play catch the ball today. 

He did not want to be as soggy as could be. Oh well. 

I had a nice afternoon nap on my comfy duvet. On the big comfy bed. Ha. Good for me.

Our cousin Orlaith was in way far away Cork today. To visit her friend.

And so she could take my friend Emmet out for tea and tasty treats. 

So he will not starve away into just nothing. 

This afternoon Craig and watched a program on the television. 

All about a professor at Emmet’s university. Right in Cork. Ha. 

I even saw the buildings where Emmet goes to tell everybody all about his very very old Irish heroes. Ha.

And I saw even the same door that Emmet uses. Ha. That was nice.

But Emmet was not there. It was another man.

Because Emmet was having his tea with cousin Orlaith. He was not on the television. Ha.

When Zita got home we went for our dinnertime walk. Even in the still rainy outside. Oh well.

I had to wear my keep you all dry coat as can be and my rubber boots too. But I was still a soggy dog.

But we found Professor Jill. She and the little dog were all soggy too. Oh dear.

Then Zita and I made our own delicious dinner before she went downtown to find Niamh.

To bring her home for our own delicious dinner. 

I stayed in the kitchen. 

Because I was still all soggy. Again. Too bad for me.

Last night we watched all of the detective from the very far away ice land. 

But it was not full of ice. So that is a silly name.

We will have to find a brand new detective program tonight. Ha, 

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