Monday 17 June 2019

Day Two Thousand Five Hundred and Nineteen

It was a beautiful just full of sunshine day this morning.

So we did not have a sleep in. 

I took Zita for a long walk. All by myself. 

And today is the make the house spic and span today. 

So Miss Tamina came right after Craig and I had our tasty croissant. 

So I went and had a nice long quiet nap. Outside on the cool stones on my own side yard.

Then Niamh was all awake too and she went on her very now nearly new fast bicycle to downtown.

To her stretching clothes store.

Craig stayed in the den so the noisy machines did not hurt his ears. Ha. Good for him.

Yesterday in way far away Ireland cousin Emma took Tara out to another pub. 

So she could taste even more of the only in Ireland beer. And maybe have tasty treats too. Ha. 

Last night Tara slept way upstairs in Zita mother and father’s house. Right in way far away Dublin. 

Maybe she will have the very tasty from just down the street sausages for breakfast. 

You have to have way too much to eat in Ireland. It is the rule. And have even more tea. Ha. 

Miss Tara is going to find an aeroplane today that knows how to fly all the way home.

And not just get all lost.

Zita’s father drove her to the aeroport. That is nice. 

Because that is where all the aeroplanes live. Ha.

Emmet is still reading more very old stories for his important talk to everybody day. In way far away Wales.

And he went for a lovely long walk in the as beautiful as can be sunshine this afternoon. 

Craig’s go fast chair has to go to the very slow wheelchair fixing store. 

Because it is a bit all worn.

This morning he called them on the telephone again. But there were no real people there. 

Just a voice. So he gave them his voice too. Oh well. 

And Zita found the old all red go fast chair. In the basement. And then she brought it upstairs. 

So Craig can use it if his own go fast chair has to go away to be all fixed up as good as brand new.

But it was very dusty. Oh dear.

After Miss Tamina was finished Craig and I had a croissant for our lunch and Craig had a very tasty butter tart too.

Tonight Zita is going to Kathy’s house for a very tasty dinner. 

So tonight I will mind Craig and Emmet and Niamh. Ha. A good job for me.

Before she went to Kathy’s house Zita and I went for a nice long walk in the beautiful sunshine. 

Niamh brought Miss Sasha to our house so they could make a delicious dinner for us. Ha. 

Miss Sasha is very very tall. Like a tree. Ha. That is good. 

But she does not have any leafs. That is good. 

Maybe Craig will watch a not too loud movie tonight and I can have a nice sleep. 

Beside him. In the den. 

Maybe we will have chips. In Craig’s new beautiful bowl. 

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