Tuesday 4 June 2019

Day Two Thousand Five Hundred and Six 

Craig and Zita and I got up early this morning. Again.

Craig and I did not have even a little sleep in. Too bad for us.

Then Zita and I went for our early in the morning walk. I saw a bunny rabbit. On my other street. 

It was just hopping on the sidewalk. I did not bark at it. 

Because it was not at my house. I can only mind my house. Not all the houses. Too bad for them.

We did not see any smelly skunks today. That is good.

After Zita and her fast bicycle went to downtown Craig and I had a tasty toasty croissant for our breakfast. 

We only played catch the ball two times this morning. 

Because it is a way too sore shoulder day. Oh dear. That is not all right.

Tonight Zita is going out to a nice restaurant with her friend Miss Wendy. 

So they can talk all about everything. 

They used to go to Mister Saint Paul’s university. Together. Ha.

And Niamh is working at her beautiful clothes store until past our dinner time. 

So I only have to mind Craig and Emmet tonight. That is an easy job.

Emmet is listening to lots of Mister Sir Pratchett’s famous books. 

On his telephone. They are his favourite. 

But Mister Sir Pratchett cannot write any brand new books anymore. 

Because now he is just all dead. 

That made my friend Emmet very sad. 

So I was sad then too. Too bad for us.

He did not have a big nice dog. 

But his suitcase had lots of little feet. 

And it followed him all the way to way way far away Heaven. That was nice. Oh well.

Emmet went for his walk this afternoon and he visited Mister Kettleman’s delicious bagels store. Ha.

We will have tasty bagels for our dinnertime tonight. That is good.

Mister Paul borrowed Zita go fast car again. I do not know why. Oh well.

Now our friend Tara is coming home from going to school in way way far away. 

I saw her pictures. She was shopping for tasty vegetables. Outside. 

So she could make own made delicious dinners. For all her friends. Ha. That is good. 

Now she has to go to way far Italy. 

To find more delicious food and tasty wine. And lots of other treats too. With her friends too. Ha. 

But right now she is visiting Craig’s favourite giant castles.

And our friend Tara was sitting right on top of the giant castle walls. Ha.

It was a castle full of very brave forever knights. In a very famous battle. On a very famous island.

And Tara was there too. Good for My friend Tara. Ha. That is all right.

She is going to say hello to all the famous knights for Craig. Ha. That is good. 

Maybe Craig will watch a loud movie tonight. Maybe about famous knights. I will have a nice nap.

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