Saturday 15 June 2019

Day Two Thousand Five Hundred and Seventeen 

It is Craig’s Saturday go to his old friends breakfast day.

But he did not go again.

Because it is an all the time raining day. And with lots of blowing everything everywhere wind.

I did not go for our good morning walk either,

Because it is a too full of sogginess morning.

So Zita talked to Auntie Eileen on the telephone instead. For a very long time. 

Our friend Tara is not in nowhere anymore. Ha. That is good.

She was in somewhere else. With our cousin Robert. At the do not get so close to the edge cliffs.

And it is not even raining a bit there. Ha. 

And they made their Irish tea outside. With cousin Robert’s take it with you everywhere stove.

Right on very little road. 

They have just lots of very little roads in Ireland. And sometimes they are full sheep roads. Oh dear.

Then she is going to Dublin. With visit our other cousins. 

Except cousin Ciara who is having a lovely time somewhere hot. Ha. That is nice.

And she is going to sleep in Auntie Eileen’s house tonight. Ha.

She sent Emmet and Niamh pictures last night. Of cousin Robert and herself. In a pub. In Ireland.

They have lots of pubs in Ireland.

Because that is where you have the very tasty chips and the just in Ireland beer. 

With my friend cousin Orlaith in the sunshine. Ha. 

And in pubs people make their own made music. For everybody. Right there. Out loud. Ha. 

Maybe they do not have enough black music machines in Ireland. 

So they have to make the music for themselves. 

Maybe because Craig has way too many music machines. So they do not have enough. Maybe.

Nice polite dogs can go to pubs in Ireland. Sometimes even by themselves. 

If they do not bark so much when people make their own music. Ha. 

That is a good rule.

We had a little dinner party last night. With Miss Deirdre. 

She did not bring any of her scary Vikings. Just bottles of special for salads treats.

So everybody told lots of stories and laughed all the time. Ha. That is a good party.

I minded everybody. So I got tasty treats too. 

Because I am the very best party dog ever. Zita told me. Ha. Good for me. 

Zita went to the make you beautiful store today. At lunchtime. 

Niamh went downtown with her. In the black go fast car to go to her beautiful clothes store. 

Because of the very windy rain. 

My make me beautiful store called Zita. They were all very sorry. 

Because they forgot I was coming in early that day. Oh dear. Now I have to go again.

Because I am still too furry. Too bad for me. 

Zita and I went for an early in the afternoon walk today. It was not all windy rain.

Because Zita is going out tonight. With Tara’s mother too. 

She is not in way far away Ireland. She is here. 

They are going to see real people in a play. With other friends too. 

I was a bit soggy when we got home so I had to stay in the kitchen with Craig. 

Until I as as dry as could be. Oh well. 

We will not have an altogether dinner tonight. 

Because only Craig and Emmet will be here. And me too.

Maybe Craig will watch a too scary movie. Or maybe a football game.

Those programs are not so interesting for nice dogs. 

So I can have a nice nap on my own comfy duvet on the big comfy bed. Ha. 

Until Zita is all back home and it is time for us to go to fast asleep. Ha. Good for me. 

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