Sunday 16 June 2019

Day Two Thousand Five Hundred and Eighteen 

It is sleep in Sunday and we even had a sleep in too. It was not a big sleep in. Just a little sleep in.

And then Niamh was all awake too. But she was still too tired.

Because all the birds were wide awake when she came home to our house. Oh dear.

She pretended that she was fast awake and she gave Craig a secret present.

Some brand new music for the music machines. Ha. 

Because today is the special especially for fathers day. Ha. That is nice. 

Then Zita drove Niamh to her beautiful clothes store. She did not go on her fast as can be bicycle.

Because she would just fall off. Right on her head. 

Because of the not enough sleep. Oh dear. That is silly. 

I always get lots of sleep. Good for me. 

I do not like the noisy birds so much. I only like my comfy duvet  in the way early morning.

When Zita came home she had lots and lots of delicious croissants. And chocolate one too.

For my friend Emmet. Chocolate croissants are his tasty favourites. Ha. 

Then I took Zita for our before lunchtime walk. It is a nearly full of sunshine day. 

But it is not too warm. Oh well. 

Craig’s football team even won last night. 

We saw it on the television. When I was sometimes all awake. Ha.

But maybe I was fast asleep. Right in my own favourite spot. At the door. 

That is where I always have my minding Craig naps. When he is working in the den. Ha. Good for me.

When Zita came home last night it was way past my bedtime. 

So we went to our comfy beds right away.

Today before lunchtime when Emmet was all awake we had our tasty lunchtime. 

With the delicious croissants. And lots of brand new strawberries. 

Strawberries are my friend Emmet’s favourite. It is good to have favourite tasty food.

Peanut butter is my favourite. 

And green beans. 

And frozen peas. 

And Irish chicken. 

And pizza bits. 

And very tasty steaks. Ha. Good for me.

After our croissants Emmet gave Craig his secret presents. 

A special bowl for his nighttime detectives chips. 

And a special plate for our breakfast toasts. Ha. And chocolates too.

Then Emmet went for his long walk and Zita took Craig’s mother to the too much money for food store.

For some too much coffee.

I stayed here to mind Craig. On his own day. On my comfy rug.

He was very busy putting his brand new music on the little music machines. Ha.

When Zita was all back home she went outside to our other side yard. 

To take away all the awful weeds. So all the flowers will be happy. 

But I could not be a big help.

Because sometimes I only dig up the beautiful flowers by mistake. Too bad for me.

Mister Paul came to visit us this afternoon. I did not even bark at all. 

Because I know him.

He brought some new programs for the television. Mister Tom sent them to us. That is kind.

He is a kind man.

Then I took Zita to doctor Susan’s house. To find our very noisy blow everything everywhere machine.

Because my side yard is full up with little flowers from my lovely trees. Oh dear.

We will not have an altogether dinner tonight. Because Emmet has to talk to his far away friends.

So Craig and Zita and Niamh with have Craig’s special day dinner. And Mister Paul is going to come back and have dinner with us too. 

Because we are having delicious cooked outside hamburgers. And hot dogs too. Ha. 

Maybe we will watch the detectives tonight. Before we go to fast asleep.

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