Monday 9 May 2016

Day One Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety Five

We had a nice fast walk this morning.

When we got home we had our fat toasts with Craig. And Craig and Zita had their coffees. 

It is not so warm today. It is even have to wear a jacket day. Oh well.

Zita had to drive Doctor Susan to her nice doctors today.  Because of the too sore side. Oh dear.

Craig wrote a very short story for our nice queen this morning. I do not know if she reads the stories. Queen's are very busy. It is known. 

Then we had toasty sandwiches for our lunch. Ha. Craig and I always share toasty sandwiches. 

Emmet and Zita had Irish tea in the brand new special cups. They were Emmet's secret presents for Zita for just for Mother's Day. 

Niamh got Zita a special present too. A bottle full of little pieces of paper. With all the nice things that Zita did for Niamh. Even when she was a very little baby. 

This afternoon Craig went to my hospital. Without me. That is good. 

He had to get my medicine. So I do not get a sick tummy. That is good.

And Zita had to go downtown. To the way too small office. In the afternoon. To talk to rascal ladies. 

I stayed here to guard Emmet. It is my job. It is not so hard with just Emmet to guard. 

He was in his cosy bedroom in the basement. He was reading all his way interesting books. For his new classes. At his nice university. 

Niamh's brand new not even a bit broken phone came to our house today. The present man brought it. That is good. 

Niamh was way happy. Ha. If Niamh does not have her phone all her music is gone. Oh dear. 

Emmet went to a loud movie after our dinner. 

To the brand new movie store. Beside the nice bank where I get the very big just for nice dogs treats. That is a good store. 

We watched the television last night. I did not see anything. Because I was even fast asleep. Ha. Good for me.

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