Wednesday 25 May 2016

Day One Thousand Four Hundred and Eleven

We had a way way busy day. Everybody. Me too.

Zita had to drive Niamh to her early dance a lot practice. 

Then she went to the place where all of Craig's mother old stuff was hidden.

Auntie Jane was there too.

Then people came to my house in a little truck. Two people. 

They took a way big table out of the scary basement. And chairs too. To take it to the place where you hide your old stuff. 

Then they put other stuff in our basement. A way way old desk for Emmet. 

And an almost all new television for the other just for guests bedroom. 

Or Niamh and Cara and Lee when they play the very loud games. 

And there was even more stuff. Big rugs. And little rugs. And boxes of things. We left it all in my side yard. 

Because it is nearly the sell all your old do not want any more stuff to other people day. Ha. 

We will put all the stuff on our nice lawn for people. And I will guard it. Ha.

Craig had to drive Emmet to his nice university today. When the people were still here. 

So I guarded the house all by myself. Until he came home. Good for me. 

I am a way good guarding dog. Everybody tells me. It is true. 

After the little truck was all full up it went away again. To the hiding place. Full of stuff. Ha. 

Then the two nice make our house all spic and span ladies came to visit. 

Now the house is all as clean as can be again. Even my comfy bed. Good for me. 

Craig and Zita and I sat in our side yard and had a tasty lunch. Just us. 

And today is my friend Craig's sing happy birthday day. Good for us. He is very old today. 

Not as old as Mister George. He is still winning. Too bad for Craig.

Mister George has a tractor and nice dogs. But he is way old too. Ha. 

We will have an on fire cake. And secret presents. Tonight. 

But not until my friend Niamh gets home from the very late at night dance a lot practice. 

We looked inside the giant box. From auntie Jane. We just looked. We did not open it. Good for us.

It is a giant basket just all full up with special tasty treats.  Ha. 

Craig will share them. Everybody has to share treats. 

Zita said so. Except for me. Ha. Good for me.

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