Friday 13 May 2016

Day One Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety Nine

Zita and I got up early. Only us. Ha.

Niamh did not have to go to dance a lot school until late today. 

Emmet did not have to go to his nice university today. His professor had to go on a trip. So he had a sleep in too.

Zita had to talk for a long time to the rascal ladies. I had a nice nap. I did not bark so much. Ha.

I guarded the newspapers until the people came to put them in their cars. 

Then Zita had to take lots and lots of newspapers to all the stores on the busy street. For the last time. Oh dear. 

Some of the nice people were all away. Zita had to go to even more places. She did not even have her dinner here.

Craig went all the way downtown. To his giant office. 

They gave him another just for government phone. So our nice Queen can talk to him. And only him. So no one else can hear. Ha.

Now he has to have two phones. Too bad for him.

Then he had a tasty lunch. Not with our nice Queen. She is in way far away. With her horses. And her castles. And her dogs. But they are very little dogs. Oh well.

Emmet had to watch way old movies all about way old Canada. For his nice university. 

We watched them together. When Craig and Zita were all away. That is how I guard Emmet. Ha. Good for me.

It is not so nice today. Not a bright sunny day. Just an all full of rainy cloud sky. Oh well.

Zita says the flowers will be happy. 

Last night the sky was full of noisy bright colours. The colours were very loud. 

I was not very scared at all. Just a bit. I just stayed right beside Zita to guard her. 

Craig had a bath last night. Because he had to go to the giant office today. 

But there was no hot water. Not even a little bit. Niamh had stolen all of it. Oh dear. 

He had a cold bath. Too bad for him. 

Craig and Emmet went for to Craig's old friends breakfast restaurant. For dinner. That is silly. Oh well.

I guarded the house all by myself. Good for me.

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