Saturday 14 May 2016

Day One Thousand Four Hundred

Zita and I had little sleep in today. 

It was a very nice quiet day. 

We were not all awake to take Craig to his old friends breakfast. He had to go all by himself. 

He did not get all lost forever. That is good.

When we were all wide awake we went for our nice walk. And we had our toasts. Good for us.

Then Zita and Niamh and Lilly had to go shopping. Way way out. Where only cows live. 

To find way beautiful dresses for the very special dance a lot school is all over dance. 

They were gone for a very long time.

Craig had to phone to make sure the dangerous cows did not catch them. 

I am not afraid of cows because I am Miss Poppy Taylor. I am a Bouvier dog. 

Bouvier dogs are even way famous for guarding cows. In way far away France.

There are not so many cows in my neighbourhood. Anymore. Oh well. Too bad for them. 

I guarded Emmet until Craig came home. We looked out my watching window. 

There are lots of people on my street. They want to go to see the beautiful flowers. Over by the not very big lake. 

When I was guarding Emmet he read his interesting stories. For his university. These ones were not way interesting he said. Oh well.

Mister Tom got Craig more new programs to watch at night on the television. 

All about way old kings in way far away England. When everybody want to be the king with their own beautiful roses. Oh dear. 

Last night Zita did not get home until late. Because of all the newspapers. To give to all the nice stores. 

And Niamh and Miss Rima did not go out until very late and did not get home until way way too late. Oh dear. 

Zita said I was a bit skinny. Oh dear. That is not nice. 

She told Craig I should have more nice tasty food for my dinners. Ha. Good for me.

And maybe even more cheese sprinkles. From Mister Nicastro's smelly cheese store. Maybe. Ha. 

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