Tuesday 3 May 2016

Day One Thousand Three Hundred and Eighty Nine

Mister Nick and Mister Helper Alex came to put more new paint on the walls. Again. Oh dear.

Zita told me Mister Nick is nearly all finished. That is good. I do not like staying in the bedroom. For a long time.

Zita and I went for a nice long walk. To see the all full up ponds. And professor Jill and my friend Jamie. That was nice. 

It was a very sunny day today. But it was not so even a bit warm. Jamie likes it just like this. 

She is a very furry dog. From way way up north. Where Mister Saint Santa lives. 

Jamie does not know Mister Saint Santa. Me either. Oh well. 

We still get secret presents. That is good. 

When we came home we had to stay in the big bedroom. Because of all the brand new paint. Again. Oh well.

Emmet goes to his nice university again tonight. For a long time. Until late. Oh dear. 

Craig or Zita will drive him. So he does not get all lost. Emmet's nice university is very big. It has lots and lots of way big buildings.

Zita said we will have our tasty dinner early. So Emmet will not starve into a stick.

Craig drove Niamh to her dance a lot school this morning. Because Zita and I were very busy. 

We had to Talk to Mister Nick all about where to put the brand new paint.

Last night Craig and Zita and I watched the old churchman catch the nasty people. With his friends. 

We watched it in the den. The den was still full of too much. Because of the brand new paint. Oh dear. 

Craig and I stayed in the living room in the afternoon. So we could look out my watching window. 

We even had our lunch tasty croissants in the living room. That is silly. 

Then I had a long nap. 

Zita had to go to another rascal ladies meeting. They have lots of meetings. All the time. Oh well. 

I do not go to so many meetings. Nobody asks me to go. Ha. That is good. 

Who would guard everybody if I had to go to meetings too. Ha. When would I have my nice comfy naps. Ha. Good for me. 

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