Friday 6 May 2016

Day One Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety Two

I had a very nice day. It was a beautiful day. It was a nearly hot day. 

Zita and I went for a nice long walk. All over. Because it is a beautiful day.

When we got home we had giant fat toasts. Good for us.

Then everybody had to work. Oh well.

Zita had to talk to everyone everywhere all about rascal lady business.

And Craig worked for our nice Queen. To put her little television programs on the computer. He tried a lot last night. But it did not work. Too bad for him.

Now it worked. I do not know why. 

Before our tasty lunch Zita drove Emmet to his nice university. 

Then she had to go to the telephone store to get a brand new telephone for my friend Niamh. 

She had to use her too much barking dog voice. Oh dear. That is a way scary voice. It is known. Oh well.

Craig went and got Emmet at his nice university. I stayed here to guard the house all by myself. I got extra peanut butter treats. Ha. 

When Craig and Emmet came home they told me they found a new very old university. 

Right beside our tasty Chinese food store. Not even far away.

It is a churchman's university. It is very old. And even big. It has a garden. With vegetables. And a big as a castle wall all around it. Ha. 

There is a library with way old books in it. Emmet is going to go look at the books. 

Old books are Emmet favourites. And Irish tea. And the special chocolate bars his Nana sends him from way far away. He does not share them so much. Oh well. 

Zita took Doctor Susan for a car ride. So she can see the beautiful day. And not just stay in the house. Because of the falling down. 

The poor people still have to run all away from the giant fire. 

And they have to sleep where all the soldiers live. Oh dear. Soldiers do not have way comfy beds with cosy duvets. Oh dear. 

Everybody is giving them real money. That is good. And the government too. That is good.

The giant scary fire is way far away from my house. That is good. 

When Zita got home we found even more beautiful pictures in the basement. All hidden. Ha we found them. Good for us.

Tomorrow is Zita's sing happy birthday day. I got her a secret present. The present man brought it. 

I do not know what it is. Because it is a secret present. Craig got it for me. That is good. 

It is all hidden in Niamh bedroom. Because nobody can find anything in Niamh's bedroom. Not even Niamh. It is known. Ha. 

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