Saturday 7 May 2016

Day One Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety Three

I had a very nice day.

Last night I took Craig and Zita to the outside coffee store. Because it is summertime. Ha.
It was even dark when we came home. I guarded them. All the way home. Ha. Good for me.

Niamh went to another party with Miss Rima last night. Miss Rima slept in Niamh's comfy bed last night because they came home too late.

It is Miss Rima sing happy birthday day tomorrow. 

But it is my friend Zita's sing happy birthday day today. Ha. That is good.

We went with Craig to his old friends breakfast today. So he would not get lost. And maybe not come home for the cake party. Oh dear. 

It was a very nice day outside. All sunny.  

We went to visit a new make me beautiful store. It is not so far away. It is right on my busy street ha. That is good. I met the nice ladies. 

They wanted to give me a treat. But I did not know them. Maybe next time. Maybe. 

This afternoon Craig and Zita went to look at more cars. For Zita. And they found one. Ha. 

Just for us. And they even bought it.

It is black. Just like me. But it is all shiny. I am not so shiny. Just black. And furry too. 

It is not so big as the gold big car. But it is big enough for Zita and me. Not so small as the silver little car. That is good. 

It was a good birthday present. It is known.

When Craig and Zita got home everybody they took everybody out for a tasty sing happy birthday day dinner. 

I stayed here to guard the house. And all the secret presents. It is my job. 

Then we had a special birthday cake. With Zita's own name on it. In big chocolate writing. It was on fire. Oh dear.

Not like the big burn all the house up fire. Just a cake fire. That is good. 

And then we got the secret presents. 

I gave Zita a brand new make the lettuce clean machine. Because I like lettuce treats. Ha. Good. For me.

Mister Tom gave Craig brand new programs for the television. In the den. Maybe we will watch some tonight. Before we all go fast asleep. 

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