Tuesday 17 May 2016

Day One Thousand Four Hundred and Three

Craig was awake even before me this morning. That is not right.

He was going to drive Niamh to dance a lot school. For her way early in the morning parctice dance. 

But they changed their mind. Oh dear. 

So Niamh went back to her comfy bed. 

Craig could not go back to the big bed. He had to make the too much coffee. 

So we could have our toasts. Ha. Good for us. You can not have tasty toasts if you do not have lots of too much coffee. 

Except for the sometimes special toasts treats before you go bed. Those are good toasts. 

Niamh had to go to see the nice dentist this morning. After she was all wide awake again. 

Then Craig drove her back to the dance a lot school. So she would not be all too late. 

Zita and I were very busy with all the rascal ladies. All morning. Ha. Good for us.

Craig watched the wolves and dragons scary program. In the den. I did not help him watch. 

I had a nice nap in the living room. I can help Zita when I am in the living room. Good for me.

Craig and I had a peanut butter sandwiches for our lunch. That is good. I like peanut butter.

We lent Doctor Susan the gold big car. Because it is not so hard to drive when you are too sore. 

Her cars make her more too sore. Oh dear. That is not right. 

Then Craig and Zita came home with our nearly brand new black shiny car. It is not so small as the silver little car. That is good. 

I am too big for Craig's car. Oh well. 

Zita said that her new car is a go fast car. Ha. That is good. 

It has very fat tires. Like Mister Kettleman's bagels. Just bigger. And not so tasty. Ha. 

It is not so fast as Craig's very old very very loud car. 

Mister Pierre is putting that car all back together. Even the broken pieces. 

I do not know Mister Pierre. He bought the very loud car before I was even born. 

He is a friend of Craig's. He has a farm. With lots of smelly cows. Ha. Too bad for him. 

Zita drove Emmet to his nice university in the black fast shinny car. 

Emmet got all his remember everything exams back with giant numbers. Ha. Good for him. 

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