Wednesday 6 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Seventy Seven

It is the get up way too early day. 

I had a nice day. I was a big help. We moved the cars a lot. I helped. I like helping. 

Last night Zita and I got Niamh at her dance until late class. We took Zita's gold big car. We did not see any lions. Lions are afraid of Zita's gold car. Ha.

Emmet learned all about Bad King John today.  He was a bad king and all the brave knights made him write a letter promising to be good. He forgot all about it. That is why he was a bad king.  Then Bad King John lost all his treasure in the river.  Then he could not be king. Too bad for him.

Emmet and I are going go to way far away and find it. He will write a story about how Emmet and his brave dog found the treasure and gave it to the nice Queen. It will be a good story. We will keep some of the treasure to buy me a new Red Ball.

Zita has her stay late night at her new university. Emmet and Niamh and Craig will eat nice sandwiches Zita left. And vegetables. Ha.

Craig went to the not so nice doctor at the hospital. Now his arms are sore. Maybe he will not be able to throw my green ball tomorrow. Oh dear.

Craig said her family used to steal cows way long ago in way far away Scotland. He should not go to that kind of doctor.  It is known. My Doctor Smith would not steal cows. 

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