Thursday 21 November 2013

Day Four Hundred and Ninety Two.

I had a nice quiet day. I helped Zita write all her new stories for her new university. On my cosy duvet. 

Craig did not throw my green ball a way lot of times. He had sore arms. From the pictures at the hospital. Oh well.

Last night Niamh showed me her toes dancing. It is way beautiful.  She is very tall on her very special toes dancing shoes. With all the pink ribbons. Toe dancing is very hard and loud. She is practising for the dance where they fight the giant mice. It will be way scary. It is known.

Uncle Bill and Aunt Louise want to see Niamh do her toe dance in her beautiful special costume. I cannot go. Way too many people Emmet said. He says there are almost too many people for him. Oh well.

Jessie is Comimg to visit tonight. Niamh's dragon has forgotten how to listen to her. That is not good. Jessie knows how to teach dragons to listen better. That is good. 

We have a dragon who lives in the den. It never talks. To anyone. It is silver. It comes from way far away Wales. Maybe it connot speak to people. I can. Sometimes the people understand. Not all the time. It is confusing. Oh well. 

It is hard job being a dog. It is known.

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