Wednesday 23 January 2019

Day Two Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Four 

There was even more way too much snow last night. Oh dear. Too bad for us.

When we went for our good morning walk we had to use the front door.

Because the side yard had so much way too much snow and we could get all lost. 

In my own side yard. Oh dear.

So we went up to the busy street for our walk.

We had to go on the road because the sidewalks were all full up with the snow. Oh dear.

We went to our nice bank. I got the just for very polite dogs treat. Good for me. 

We we came home Zita and Niamh and Taryn moved lots and lots of the snow. 

All far away from our side yard and our front sidewalk and the black go fast car too. 

Then Zita drove Niamh and Taryn to the nice university. 

And she nearly got all stuck. At the university. Oh dear. Oh dear.

Because all noisy move the snow machines are just hiding. 

So there are just all stuck cars everywhere. Oh dear. 

And everybody is just sliding on my very own corner. Except for the all stuck car. Oh dear.

There is so much too much snow that the silver little car was nearly all lost.

Zita had to find it under all the too much snow. But it would not start at all. 

Maybe it was too scared of the too way too much snow. Oh dear.

Then after lunchtime I was outside helping Zita in our side yard. But I had to come in. 

Because I got too cold and was shaking all over. I had icy ears. Oh dear. 

So I stayed in our very warm kitchen until I was toasty warm again. 

Then Craig gave me a cheesie treat. Ha. 

The man came to look at our basement so they can make new walls for a better bathroom.

They are going to be very noisy Craig said. Oh dear. That is not so nice.

And Zita and the black go fast car nearly got stuck in our own driveway. 

Some nice people had to give the car a big push. Oh dear. 

Zita and Niamh got a special made just for us pizza. From the expensive food store.

We had it for dinner. I got a little bit. Ha.

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