Saturday 19 January 2019

Day Two Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy 

A man came to our house early in the morning today.

To look at our basement. So we can have a better bathroom. With even a squeaky clean shower.

And a new room for all the make the clothes clean machines. With a new hole in the basement floor.

Mister Mitch cannot do it this time.

Because he is getting married and going away. Oh dear. Too bad for us.

Then Craig and Zita and I had our toasts altogether.

But Zita and I did not go for our good morning walk.

And Craig did not go to his old friends breakfast restaurant.

Because it is way way too cold outside today.

Our feet would be too cold. I do not like cold feet. Not even just one foot.

So Zita and the black go fast car took Niamh downtown to the stretching clothes store.

So she would not have cold feet either.

Craig and I only played catch the ball one time. Because of the too cold feet. Oh well.

Then Craig had to find things for the better bathroom. On the computer.

So I had a nice nap on my comfy duvet. On the big comfy bed. Ha. Good for me.

Doctor Susan had to take the black go fast car after lunchtime. To get Miss Lily. Ha.

Because her little car would not even start a bit.

Because of the way too cold. Oh dear.

This afternoon Zita had to move lots and lots our too much stuff in the basement.

So there will be room for the brand new walls. For the new a little bit bigger bathroom. That is good. 

Then Zita and I went for our before dinnertime walk. In the way too cold.

Zita had to wear her big for the cold boots and her very keep you toasty warm big coat.

I had to have all my boots on. Not just my back feet boots. Oh dear. 

And my own from way far away coat too. But we were still cold all over. 

So we only had a little walk. Ha. But I nearly lost one of my toasty warm boots. 

But we found it. It was right there on the street. Ha. Good for us. 

I had two delicious dinners tonight.

Because Craig forgot I had an early coming home from our walk dinner. Ha. Good for me.

Tonight Niamh and Miss Taryn and Miss Rima are going to a costume party movie. 

Up on the busy street. In the very old movie theatre. 

Everybody has to sing too out loud. When the movie is on. Oh dear. That is a silly movie.

Craig and Zita and I will watch some from far away detectives instead. That is good.

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