Sunday 11 November 2018

Day Two Thousand Three Hundred 

It is sleep in Sunday but only Craig had a big sleep in today.

Because he is still a bit too sick. He stayed in bed until Zita and I came back from our big long walk.

It was a very cold outside day today. Because of all the wind. Oh dear. Too bad for us.

Then Niamh had to go to her downtown work and my friend Emmet was busy with his friends in far away Antigonish. 

So it was only Craig and Zita and I for our lunchtime.

Zita went to visit the nice farmers this morning and bought very big and fat croissants for us. Ha.

It is the sad remember all the soldiers who went to heaven day today.

The way too loud very fast little aeroplanes came right on top of my own house. Oh dear.

I barked at them and they went away. They should be nice quiet aeroplanes on sad days. 

Lots and lots of people were downtown at the giant remember the soldiers statue. 

To say thank you very much to them. 

There were even lots of scotsmen’s soldiers. With noisy bagpipes. Oh dear. 

Our Mister Prime Mister was in way far away France. Where lots and lots of our soldiers died. 

In Flanders. Where the brave Bouviers came from. Oh dear.

He was there so he could read the soldiers’s names so he could remember them too. That is good.

Zita went to visit Craig’s mother today. Because Zita is not sick anymore. That is good.

But today Craig’s mother could only remember things that did not happen. I do not know how. Oh well. 

But I stayed here to mind Craig. Because he is still a bit sick. 

I am his best minding nurse. He told me. Ha. Good for me.

He stayed in the den and watched the football games. On the television.

Watching the television does not make you tired when you are a bit sick. It is known.

We watched very good not scary lady detectives last night. 

Maybe we will watch them again tonight. Maybe. 

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