Wednesday 21 November 2018

Day Two Thousand Three Hundred and Ten 

I had a very busy day today. Ha.

We did not have any nice sleep ins today. 

Because it is a very busy day today. It is Zita’s do not go to the rascal ladies office day.

But she had to talk to lots of them. On the telephone. In her comfy chairs office.

When Craig was all fast awake we only had one toast. And we had no jam at all. Too bad for me.

But my giant friend Mister Remi did not have any toasts today. Oh dear. That is not all right. 

Maybe something ate all the toasty bread at his house. Maybe raccoons. Or the smelly skunk. Oh dear. Too bad for him. 

Maybe he will starve all away. Oh dear. Oh dear.

There was even more snow last night. When I was asleep.

So Zita and I had to shovel it all away. I sat in the black go fast car so I could guard everything. 

When we were all finished we went for our nice walk. All over. 

We even went to our all empty pond. 

When we came home Craig had to go to have a tasty lunch with our friend Mister Gabriel. 

He used to be Auntie Louise’s little boy. Now he is a lawyer instead. 

He went to the Harvard university. So did Professor Em. Before they were just all married. Ha. 

So Zita and I took Craig up to the busy street restaurant. I had to help. 

Because the go fast chair does not have do not get stuck in the snow tires. 

And sometimes there is too much too much snow. So I have to help. Ha. That is a good job.

When we came home we had to take away even more too much snow. 

Then I had a nice nap on my comfy bed. 

Zita took our all dirty clothes to doctor Susan’s house. 

Because her washing the clothes clean machine works. 

We will not have another altogether dinner tonight.

Because my friend Emmet was in the very little not open very often library all day looking for a very very old book. 

So now he has to write more of his important story. Even after his dinnertime. Too bad for him.

We did not go for our before dinnertime walk. 

Because it was way cold outside. Too cold for our feet. So I had a nice nap instead.

We cooked very delicious meat on the outside stove. I had to guard it. For a long time.

Because it is a slow stove in the way too cold outside. It is known.

Last night we watched all the rest of the from way far away Ireland detective program. 

Everybody there was very sad. Oh dear. 

Maybe because of the all the time too much rain. 

We did not have any chips. Oh well. Too bad for me.

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