Saturday 4 August 2018

Day Two Thousand Two Hundred and Two

Zita and I were wide awake way early this morning. So we went outside to our side yard. 

So Zita could do rascals ladies work. And have some too much coffee. 

Even on a do not go to work day. Oh dear. Too bad for her. 

I had a nice nap on my nice flat stones. Ha. 

When Craig was fast awake Zita and I took him to the busy street.

Right to his old friends breakfast restaurant. Ha. Good for us.

Because it is Saturday old friends breakfast day.

Then Zita and I had our nice walk. Before it was way too hot outside.

When we got home Zita went to help Professor Jill. 

They had to go and get tasty soups for Professor Carter. 

Because he is still getting better in the nasty food hospital. Oh dear.

Professor Jill does not know how to drive a car. Only her not very fast bicycle. Oh dear. 

So Zita can drive her. Because she is our friend. 

Niamh and cousin Orlaith and Miss Rima are not here. 

They are still at the way too loud concert. With all their friends. 


In not so far away Montreal. 

Not here in there own comfy beds. Oh dear. Too bad for them. 

Today is Emmet’s teach everybody all about the way old Gods. Right on his big computer. 

So the people from everywhere in the world will know all about them. That is good.

Mister Richard is looking at an important piece of paper. For my friend Emmet. 

So Emmet will know if it is a good for Emmet piece of paper. Ha. That is good. 

Richard knows all about important pieces of paper. 

Our outside in the side yard stove is broken for ever. 

The other night the fire did not come out the right place. It came right out the bottom. Oh dear. That is not so good.

So we are going to get a new outside stove. 

So we can still have tasty on wooden sticks food. 

Or very fat and tasty with cheese hamburgers. Ha. That is good. 

When Zita and I came back from our before dinnertime walk I was a too hot dog. So I had a nice nap. 

It will be only Craig and Zita and Emmet and I for our dinner tonight. 

We are going to to have all the used food in the full up refrigerator. 

Tasty sausages and maybe toasty buns too. 

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