Wednesday 29 August 2018

Day Two Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty Seven

Today is Emmet’s go back to his far away university day. Oh dear.

Last night Emmet and Niamh and Miss Rima went out to say goodbye. 

They went to a very tasty dessert restaurant. Up on the busy street.

Niamh will be minding the little children when Emmet has to find the nice train to Montreal. 

So she said goodbye see you soon last night. 

When he is in Montreal he has to find the very very slow train that goes everywhere.

Until it finds the little town where you just have to find a bus. 

Then he goes on a not very smelly bus to Mister Saint Francis’s university.

Because that is where his very little apartment is. 

It takes a very long time to get to his little apartment from his comfy bedroom in our basement. 

Even all night long. And there no comfy beds on the very very slow train. I would not like that. Oh dear. 

Zita and I took Professor Jill and the little dog for our nice walk this morning. Ha. Good for us. 

When we were all at home Zita used the dangerous cut the grass short machine. I cannot help. 

Because it is a dangerous to dogs machine. Or dear.

When Emmet was all fast awake Zita went to Mister Kettleman’s bagel store.

So she could get some toasty warm bagels for my friend Emmet to take with him. 

Because the very slow train does not have any tasty food. Only old all wrapped up sandwiches. 

So now he has full of cheese bagels. Ha. 

And Emmet had a very early tasty dinner. So he would not get hungry on the nice train to Montreal. 

This afternoon there was thunder outside. So I went downstairs to Niamh’s bedroom. 

Because the loud thunder can not find me there. Ha. Good for me. 

Then Zita drove Emmet in the black go fast car to the find your train station. 

So I said goodbye see you soon too. I got a big hug and a see you later kiss. Ha.


But I was still sad. Too bad for me. 

Then he went to the black car and went to far away. I could not go. Oh dear. Too bad for me.


Now we will have to talk to my friend Emmet only on Zita’s computer. 

Right on the dining room table. I do not like that so much. 

He does not smell like my friend Emmet when he is only on the computer. 

And he cannot rub my tummy with his foot when he is just on the dining room table. Too bad for me. 

I do not think universities should take people to far away. 

Cousin Orlaith is not here. Now she is in way far away Galway. Beside the dangerous ocean.

And Emmet is in far away Antigonish. Beside the same dangerous ocean. Oh dear. That is not all right.

My own friend Niamh is right here. At our nice university. 

And in her brand new beautiful big bedroom. That is good. 

But our altogether dinners are not so much altogether now. Oh dear. 

Too bad for us. 

I think we will watch some from way far away detectives tonight. 

Maybe we will have chips. Maybe. 

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