Friday 24 March 2017

Day One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirteen

It is Craig's get up early and drive everybody everywhere day.

But he did not do that today.

Because we had even more way too much snow. All night. Oh dear.

So Zita drove Emmet to his other university and then she drove Niamh to her nice university.

Niamh's tummy was all better today. That is good. She went all fast asleep even before our nice dinner. 

When Zita was home Craig made the too much coffee and toasts. He almost made not too toasty toasts. 

But he did not. He had to chop off the too toasty bits. Again. Oh well. Too bad for him. 

We had our toasts and looked out the watching window. Altogether. 

We watched the way too much snow. Oh dear. All the cars were just sliding everywhere.


It took Zita a very long time to get home from the universities. 

Because of the slide everywhere cars.

Emmet did not come home from his not so interesting class today at his other university. 

Because he stayed there to listen to his friend's very last remember everything exam. 

Where they ask you questions. Out loud. In front of everybody. Oh dear. I would not like that. 

Her parents could not come to help her. Because they live in somewhere too far away. 

So my friend Emmet was there to be a big help. That is good.

Then he has to go to his nice university. To a special not for everybody class. 

Because they need his help. To talk all about a very very old book. From way far away Ireland. 

The one with all the beautiful pictures all around the words. Ha. That is good. 

Emmet is a way good explainor about way old way far way Ireland. 

That is why his next university wants him to go to their a bit too far away old university. 

So he can learn everything else. Ha. That is good. 

Craig's friend Mister Tony was going to come in for a visit. To talk and drink some more too much coffee. 

He had to drive here from his nearly far away brand new house. Right beside the very big lake. 

But he could not come. Because he only has go very fast cars. 

From way far away Germany. They cannot drive in the too much snow. 

Or they will just get stuck forever. Oh dear. 

Today Zita was very busy with the rascal ladies. On the telephone.

I got in a little bit a trouble. 

Because of the nasty too loud move the snow away machines. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

Zita brought Niamh home from her nice university. And took her to our centre building. 

For her afternoon job. 

Because the smelly buses were just stuck in the too much snow. 

She is going to help with the dancing for everybody tonight. At our giant centre building. 

When Zita came home Craig got Emmet from his other university and took him to his nice university. 

To tell everybody about the very old full of beautiful pictures book. 

It is always very busy when it is a too much snow day. Oh well. 

We did not play catch the ball today. 

Because of the too much snow. The go fast chair is afraid of the too much snow. Oh well. 

Zita and I went for a nice before dinner walk. Even in the too much snow. 

I was not so interested. My comfy bed was very comfy. We went anyway. 

Because we were way too busy this morning to go for our walk. Too bad for us. 

Maybe we will watch some more detectives tonight. Maybe we will have chips too. Maybe. 

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