Saturday 26 September 2015

Day One Thousand One Hundred and Sixty Nine

I had another get up early day. 

Zita and I had a nice little walk. It was a not so warm morning. 

After our walk Craig drove Zita in the little silver car. To catch the dangerous train. You have to go to the big just for trains building.

Trains can not fall over and crash in the building. That is good. 

That is where Craig drove her. They stop the train so you can get on. You do not have to catch it. That is good. 

They give you food on the train. I do not think it is so tasty. 

When Craig came home he had to go to his old friends breakfast. 

I had to guard the house all by my self. Because Niamh and Emmet were still all fast asleep. Ha.

When Niamh was all awake she had to work on her new very fast computer. To make brand new music for her very important all year long dance at her dance a lot school.

When Emmet was all awake he went to Mister Kettleman's tasty bagel store. And got a big bag of bagels. For Niamh and Emmet's breakfast. 

With the special just for bagel cheese. I got bagel bits. That is good. 

Zita is going to a nice dinner tonight. With lots of people she does not know. Oh dear. Except for Doctor Susan. She is at the dinner too. That is good. 

Niamh went to Lee and Cara's house for a special own made dinner. Because it is their own birthday. Soon. 

They have the very same sing happy birthday day. That is because they are twins. It is known. 

Emmet and Niamh have the same sing happy birthday day too. But they are not twins. 

Emmet told me Niamh stole his sing happy birthday day. That is not true. Niamh would not steal a day from Emmet. That is a silly story. It is known.

Craig and Emmet went to Craig's eat your breakfast restaurant for dinner. I guarded the house.

I was very busy. Because of the football game. Up on the busy street. 

When there are football games there are way too many people on my street. Too many cars. They honk their horns. I do not know why. I do not like that. 

Zita will not be in her comfy bed tonight. She is at a nice hotel. Not here. 

I will sleep at the top of the big bed. To keep Craig all safe. So he will not be scared. Ha.

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