Wednesday 16 September 2015

Day One Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Nine

It is a nice quiet day. Nobody was upside down today. That is good.

Zita and I went for a nice walk. It was all warm again. That is silly.

Zita drove Emmet to his nice university this morning. Early. After she drove Niamh and Julia to the way early special dance a lot clas.

Craig did not drive him in the little silver car today. He is a bit all too sore. Because he was all upside down yesterday. Oh dear. 

I did not have to sleep right beside him today. Craig told me the go fast chair will not go all upside down in the house. That is good. 

Emmet finished his story about the broken house war. Now he has to read even more books. All about the way old mountain people. Oh well. 

Niamh is writing little short stories that sound like songs. That is nice. She is a way good writer. 

I can not write. Nobody teaches dogs how to write. Too bad for us. Too bad for people. It is known. 

Craig writes all my stories for me. Because we are friends. Sometimes he reads me stories from his interesting books. Good for us. 

Craig is still the nice policeman. From way far away France. Some nasty men hit him with a big stick. His very brave dog will not like that. 

They will be sorry. It is known. Because somebody always has a bigger stick.

We had toasty ham sandwiches for our lunch. That is good. 

Zita was working with the rascal ladies all morning. And last night too. I was a big help. This morning I did not bark at all. Not even one time. I remembered all the rules. Ha. Good for me.

The way noisy diggers are making a brand new never before sidewalk on my street. Beside our beautiful pond. Where my friends the ducks swim. 

I like nice soft grass better. It is known.

Zita is going out to dinner tonight. With all her lady friends. Not the rascal ladies. Old friends ladies. To a nice little restaurant. Not a table sheets restaurant. 

I will stay here to guard everybody. 

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