Friday 4 September 2015

Day One Thousand One Hundred and Forty Seven

I got up early this morning. Because of Emmet's Latin. His telephone did not wake him up. Oh dear.

Zita and I had to make him all awake. Then Zita took him to his university. When she got home we had a nice walk because it is a way nice day. With all blue skies and a flappy ears wind. 

Craig and I played throw the ball. A lot. Ha.

Niamh went to a party last night. Now she has writing all over her hand. Writing from way way far away India. Miss Julia brought it all the way back here. For Niamh. That is nice.

Zita and Niamh and doctor Susan and Lilly and Jack went on a picnic. To the little town with all the nice stores and the little all made of wood castle. With big real canons. 

I stayed here to take care of Emmet and Craig. 

Craig is just fixing all up Zita's not brand new computer and Emmet is writing all in Latin. They are not so hard to guard. Even if I have a nice nap. 

The way noisy and scary make the street clean machine came on our streets today. It went right on my corner and it stayed there. Even when I barked at it. A lot. And got into trouble. Oh well. 

The noisy machines do not listen to my barking. They are too noisy. They can not hear me. Too bad for me. 

Craig and Zita went for their tasty dinner last night. With their friends. 

When they went to the nice restaurant were lots and lots of people on the street. Because there was a way noisy concert up on the busy street last night. Where the restaurant was. 

Lots of the people had little horns on their heads. That is silly. People are not cows. Cows have horns. And big rhinoceros. Or giant moose. Not people. It is known. 

There were way too many cars. All parked wrong. Craig's friend parked his big truck in our driveway. So the police would not arrest it. That is good. 

Craig got a brand new book about the nice policeman from way far away France. With the brave dog. And his friends who make all the tasty cheese. 

Those are good books. Craig reads me the interesting parts all about the brave dog. That is right. Good for us. 

We are having pizza tonight. When Zita and Niamh come home from their picnic. 

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