Saturday 25 November 2017

Day One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty

It is Craig’s Saturday go to his old friends breakfast restaurant. But we did not take him.

Because it is an all full of windy rain day. 

So Craig went in the silver little car. Ha.

I helped Zita move the black go fast car. 

So Craig could go to his breakfast. That is my favourite job. Ha.

Zita and I went for our nice walk. In the too much windy rain. 

We were as soggy as can be when we came home. Oh well. Too bad for me. 

Craig forgot to give everybody my story yesterday. Oh dear.

Our friend Mister Richard thought maybe I was sick. I am not. 

It was because Craig is very old. Ha. I am not old. Oh well. Too bad for him.

Zita went to the buy your tasty food here store after lunchtime. 

So we can have very tasty dinners. And not just eat Craig’s peanut butter sandwiches. Ha.

All of my friend Emmet’s brand new students got their brand new stories done. 

And were not late at all. That is good. He was very happy. That is good. 

Some of our beautiful outside Merry Christmas lights do not all work. Oh dear. 

Maybe Craig will fix them. Maybe I can be a big help. Maybe.

We bought brand new lights on our nice walk. At our nice hardware store. Just in case. 

I got a big treat. Only very polite dogs get big treats. It is known.

Niamh is busy reading new stories for her nice university. And eating tasty treats. 

At the too much money for coffee store. Ha.

We watched the from far away detectives last night. It was too scary. 

Zita did not even watch some of it. She made Irish tea instead. I had a nice nap. I was not too scared.

The nasty raccoon was in my own patio last night. It was hiding in my bushes. I saw it. 

Craig and Zita could not see it. Too bad for them. 

I scared it away with my fierce barking anyway. Ha. Good for me. 

My streets are all full up with cars. And people too. Even in the windy rain. 

Because they are having lots of big parties up on our busy street. And very loud music concerts. 

Because of the very important football game tomorrow. Ha. 

Niamh will go to the loud music concerts. It is known. Ha. 

This afternoon lots and lots and lots of very big and noisy put the fire out trucks came on my street. 

They are scary trucks. And they have lots of scary bright lights too. 

Because a house was all on fire. On the other street. Beside the other park. Oh dear. Oh dear. 

Policemen cars too. Oh dear. 

I stayed in the den to mind Craig and keep him out of trouble. Ha. Good for me. 

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