Sunday 16 December 2018

Day Two Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Six 

It was sleep in Sunday today.

But we did not have a sleep in. Zita drove Niamh to the beautiful clothes store. Very early this morning.

Because it is very busy in the store. 

Because it is buy secret presents time for nearly everybody. 

Then Zita and I had a lovely long walk. All the way to see the nice farmers. On the busy street.

Today there were lots of people with own made Merry Christmas presents for people to buy. 

But we did not buy anything. Maybe later Zita said.

Because it will be Merry Christmas time soon. Ha. 

When we got home Craig was all awake so we our toasts altogether. Ha.

When my friend Emmet was all awake we had pancakes. 

Not real pancakes just the the toast pancakes from France. Oh well.

We have a Scotsman angel on top of our beautiful Merry Christmas tree. Ha. That is silly.

And now we have lots of wish you a Merry Christmas cards. Ha. That is nice 

Craig even sent lots of Merry Christmas cards to our friends. Ha. They will be surprised.

After our lunchtime Zita went shopping for some secret presents. 

When she came home we went for a little walk. Not a long walk. 

It is not so nice out. So I just wanted a little look around walk. Ha.

But I got all soggy wet anyway. Oh well.

So I had to stay in the kitchen until I was all dry. So I had a little nap.

Then Zita went to visit Craig’s mother in her little apartment. 

To make sure the make her hear everything better machine is working.

We will not have an altogether dinner tonight.

Because Niamh is going to a party. 

With all the people who work at the all the time exercising clothes store. 

It is a have a very Merry Christmas party.

We have new detectives stories from our friend Mister Tom. 

Maybe we will watch one tonight. 

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