Thursday 20 December 2018

Day Two Thousand Three Hundred and Forty 

I had a busy day today.

Because today is my special day. 

It is the day I came home to my own house. With my own family. Ha. That is a good day.

I was a very small Miss Poppy. But now I am not so small. Ha.  

I used to have to stand all the way up on my back feet to look out my watching window. Ha. That is silly

My friend Niamh was small too. Ha. Emmet was not so small. 

Now I am big. And I can help my friend Emmet write his very big important story. Ha.

I got special breakfast treats from my friend Craig. When he had his too much coffees. 

Because it is our special day. Ha.

Zita and I had a nice walk this morning. It is not so cold today. That is good.

Emmet is going to go to play the dragons game with all his friends. At their little apartment. 

Before everybody goes back to their own house. For their Merry Christmas time. 

This afternoon Niamh had her last remember everything exam. Oh dear.

Then she had to go to her downtown work. Oh dear. 

And Zita is going to have a tasty dinner with all the ladies who work at the rascal ladies office. 

So only Craig will be here for our dinner tonight. And me too.

Maybe we will have used pizza for our dinner. 

Because we have lots of delicious pizzas in the refrigerator. Ha. Good for us. 

When Zita came home we went for a late at night in the dark walk. Oh dear. 

The television said we are going to have freezie rain tonight. Oh dear.

We do not go for our nice walks in freezie rain. 

Because maybe you will fall down and hurt your bottom. Oh dear. 

Hurt bottoms are not so nice.

When we came home I had to get in the bathtub.

So I would have very clean feet today. Oh well.

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