Sunday 13 November 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty Two

We did not have a little sleep in today. We were too busy. 

And it was even the sleep in Sunday. Craig had a not so long sleep in. 

I had to get him all wide awake. After Zita and I had our nice walk. 

If I do not get him all wide awake who will make the too much coffees. Or throw my catching ball. Ha. Good for me. 

We had extra toasts today. Because Zita and I did not have a nice sleep in. 

Only Craig and Emmet had sleep ins today. 

We saw my friend Niamh on the flat computer. This morning. 

She had a sick tummy last night. Oh dear. I could not be a big help.

Because she is far away. In her too far away university. Oh dear.

Niamh has to finish her long story today too.

Zita and I helped make Emmet's new long story beautiful. It is an even new long story. 

Because Emmet has lots and lots of stories to write. 

Maybe because he has two universities. Maybe. 

We made the special own made full of peaches pie for our all together breakfast today. 

It has Scotsmen's oatmeal on top. Just for Craig. Oh well. 

Craig watched the little fast cars on the television after lunchtime. 

But it was all full of rain and the little cars just all crashed. All the time. Oh dear. Too bad for them.

Zita and doctor Susan went shopping. In the very big red nearly a truck. I did not go. 

I had to stay here and guard Craig and Emmet. It is my job.

We have to get new don't get stuck in the snow tires. For the black go fast car. 

Because it has very big tires. 

The silver little car only has little tires. Oh well. 

The make the clothes all clean machine is just all broken. It is old. 

We will have to get a brand new machine. Oh dear. 

Maybe we will just have dirty clothes. Maybe. Oh dear. 

Zita and went for a nice walk. Our before dinnertime nice walk. 

Zita still has clean clothes. I do not need all clean clothes. 

Because dogs do not need so many clothes. 

Just my keep me toasty warm Scotsman's coat. Ha. Good for me. 

Tomorrow is my real sing happy birthday day. It is my second birthday day.

Because Craig made a mistake. Ha. Too bad for him. 

Maybe I will get another sing happy birthday day present. Maybe. Ha. Maybe not. 

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