Monday 7 November 2016

Day One Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy Six

We went to bed early last night. 

Because today is the get up very early day.

Craig and I only had one toast before he drove Emmet to his other university. 

He did not even have his too much coffee. Too bad for him.

My friend Zita called him on the telephone when he was at the other university. In the silver little car.

She is still in way far away Ireland. She was even father away today.

Because she was in Auntie Eileen's car. They were being chased by sheeps. 

They were not even in the city. They were on the full of sheeps roads. Oh dear. 

They hid in a tasty food restaurant. Until all the sheeps went home. Maybe for their lunchtime. Maybe.


And they even had tasty desserts. Ha.


It was a no sheeps allowed restaurant. That is good. 

Auntie Eileen needs fast sheeps chasing away dogs like Shadow or Miss Maggie. 

They could just sit in the back seat. Ghost dogs. Ha. That would scare away silly sheeps. It is known.

Emmet's professors are writing nice letters for him. For his next university. 

To say he is a very nice boy and always writes his long stories. And they are way way interesting. Ha. That is good. 

Even Professor Jill. Ha.  

He went to her house. And left the important papers in her mailbox. Just for her. That is good. 

When Craig came home we had two more toasts and Craig had some pretend coffee. 

Then we played catch the ball. Then I had to look in all the rooms again. Just in case. 

But Zita and Niamh were still not home. Not even in the basement. Oh dear. Too bad for me.

Craig had the too hot inside sandwiches today for his tasty lunch. They are too hot for dogs sandwiches. 

Because they come from way far away Italy. But I got carrot treats. They are not hot inside. 

Soon it will be the remember all the soldiers day. It is a very sad day. And they play bagpipes.

Because wars are sad. Bagpipes make too sad music. It is known.

We have Craig's father's book. From his giant aeroplane. It smells sad. Oh dear. 

Craig and Emmet talked all about Emmet's great great Uncle Austen. At dinner time. 

He rode his very big horse. In the war nobody wanted. 

He had a sword. But he was not a fierce knight. He did not have a castle. He had a giant farm instead.

That is where he lived. When the war was all over. Then he grew lots and lots and lots of wheat. 

So lots of people could have tasty bread for their toasts. Ha. Good for him. 

He had lots of dogs on his farm. Craig did not know their names. Oh well. 

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